An Introduction to Centering Prayer


An Introduction to Centering Prayer is a short tract which introduces the reader to the discipline of Centering Prayer.  

Topics discussed include: (1) The History of Centering Prayer and its connection to the anonymous 14th Century work The Cloud of Unknowing; (2) The Method of Centering Prayer as presented by Thomas Keating, including observations and commentary on each of the steps; (3) possible Theological Paradigms through which one could understand the practice, including the Divine Therapy model, the "Union with God" model, and the True Self/False Self model; (4) Natural Effects of the prayer, including control of the mind, distance between "you" and your thoughts, decreased worry and anxiety, non-attachment, and present moment awareness; and (5) The Shape of the Journey, especially emphasizing the possible experience of "dark nights" which are associated with this practice.

This tract is simply intended to provide a very brief overview of the practice and lead the reader to further study.  A list of Centering Prayer resources is also included, and several of those resources can also be found on the Comparative Resources page of the site.