Inner Listening

Inner Listening is a form of spirituality practiced most commonly among adherents of the world’s theistic faiths.  Inner Listening is often interpreted as "listening to God," and can be facilitated by methods such as Lectio Divina.  Within Christianity, this form of spirituality is perhaps most associated with the Quakers.  

The Quakers

The Religious Society of Friends, more commonly referred to as The Quakers, is a Christian sect which emerged from a period of religious revival in 17th Century England.  During this period of revival, teachers such as George Fox preached a heavy emphasis individual spiritual experience over conventional religious structures.  Specifically, faith in these communities was placed in the leading of what Quakers refer to as the "Inner Light."

Quakerism was, and is, a diverse religious movement and includes branches which affirm traditional Christian theology as well as branches which do not promote any doctrinal beliefs.  Individual Quaker congregations also often display this diversity, and commonly contain members who approach the faith from widely different theological perspectives.  The common tie uniting those within the movement is a commitment to the practice of Quaker worship.  

Quaker Worship

In traditional Quaker worship, a congregation or small group gathers and simply sits together in silence – each individual personally awaiting the guidance of the "Inner Light."  Most often, the Inner Light is experienced privately and is interpreted as speaking to one's personal situation.  Occasionally, long periods of silence are broken by a community member who feels led to share a message with the group. This communal message is also seen as being directed by the Inner Light, and as worthy of reflection by each member of the group.

A modern Quaker service typically lasts one hour, though gatherings in the 17th Century may have lasted up to three hours.

Interpretation of The Inner Light

The concept of the Inner Light, which individual members "listen to" during worship, is interpreted in a variety of ways within the faith.  The most common way Quakers speak of the Inner Light is through traditionally theistic language.  Terms used to refer to the Inner Light include "that of God" which is in everyone, "God within," the "seed of God," and the "light of Christ" (for those who hold conventionally Christian beliefs).  

Others may not use theological language when describing this Inner Voice, and may conceptualize it as one's Deepest Self or in some other way.  There is no official Quaker interpretation of what happens during worship; the uniting element of the community is simply the practice itself. 

Communal Decision Making

A related practice within Quakerism is communal decision making.  When Quaker congregations make decisions affecting the group, they typically will not move forward without the consensus of the entire congregation.  Business meetings are conducted in a prayerful way and often begin with formal worship. If there are significant dissenting voices to a potential decision, it is often interpreted as a sign that more discernment from the group is required.  Final decisions are usually delayed until consensus is reached.