Audio Files

Audio files of public lectures and discussions from the site have been made available on iTunes here.
Links to lectures which are embedded in individual blog posts are listed below.

Andrew Huberman, On God
Shinzen Young, Surface to Source
Thich Nhat Hanh, Resting in God
Pravrajika Divyanandaprana, Decoding Happiness
Sam Harris, Emptiness in Buddhism
Eckhart Tolle, The Ego and What Underlies It
Seyyed Hossein Nasr, Sacred Silence in Sufism
Pete Enns, Leaving a Religious System
Swami Sarvapriyananda, Center Yourself in the Atman
Swami Sarvapriyananda, The Goal of Meditation
Edwin Bryant, The Relevance of The Bhagavad Gita
Hugh Jackman, TM and Dedicating Actions to the Service of the Absolute
James Finley, Little Flashes
Atmananda Udasin, All This is Verily Brahman
Atmananda Udasin, The Self Reveals Itself to Itself by Itself
Dale Suggs, Purity of Heart is to Will One Thing
Jordan B. Peterson, Biblical Lectures
Kierkegaard Introduction, The “Knight of Faith”
Thomas Merton, A Ground of Silence
Thomas Merton, Being Ourselves
Thomas Merton, Passive Prayer
Dale Allison, The Apocalyptic Jesus | “The Historical and Theological Jesus”
Marcus Borg, The Wisdom Jesus | “The Legacy of Albert Schweitzer”
N.T. Wright, The Orthodox Jesus | “How God Became King”
Pete Enns, Progressive Christianity
Thomas Keating, What’s Next in Religion?
Marcus Borg, Seeing Religions Again
Joseph Goldstein, Vipassana Meditation
Thomas Keating, Persevere
Alan Watts, The Four Noble Truths
David Frenette, The Path of Centering Prayer
Cynthia Bourgeault, The Heart of Centering Prayer
Kevin Culligan, Introduction to St. John of the Cross
Seyyed Hossein Nasr, In The Beginning Was Consciousness
James Cutsinger, The Perennial Philosophy
Shinzen Young, World Mysticism
The Liturgists, "The Voice of God"
Alan Watts, The Essence of Hinduism
Edwin Bryant, The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali
Father Dennis Billy, The Cloud of Unknowing
Viktor Frankl, The Will to Meaning
Buddhist Geeks, The Path of Shinzen Young
Eknath Easwaran, Perennialism